Tuesday, 22 March 2011

First post from Kez

Hi everyone!


  1. Hi kez - could you please write about 100 words on this first post from kez? it can be as boring or exciting as you wish

  2. Kez if you would like a lesson on writing a hundred words on your blog you should speak to someone like me. I have so much to say and so very little time in which to do it. Blogs are fascinating little applications which allow the most mundane people to air their voices on the internet. Of course we could toodle pip and tally ho all day doing this sort of thing but then we may go over our one hundred word limit. Would this be a bad thing I hear you ask. Not sure but it takes up time and therefore may be what we are required to do. I think I have now fulfilled my quota of writing on someone else's blog - again not sure

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah Kez - re-read Ghylene's comment agin right at the top there, wont you!! - Your FIRST blogg has to be at LEAST 100 words you SLACKER!!!!... Get to it... concidering you never stop talking all day long, I wouldn't have thought that it would have been too difficult for you to have written something a little more that 3 words for goodness sake! hehehe - LOVE YA!!!! :-) (bobbi brown)

  5. ooops - spelling error in my last blogg, just correcting, "considering".... is that better KEZ, see, I fixed it! - Wow you should be a year 3 spelling teacher, shouldn't you! (bobbi brown).

  6. bobbi brown still doesn't know when to use a question mark after a query!! See if you can spot your grammatical faux pas!! heh
