Monday, 16 May 2011

wrap up

I have enjoyed all I've learnt on this adventure - I'm not sure I'll use everything but it was interesting to see the different ways of communication that are available for now and into the future.I look forward to checking out everyone's posts and the feedback from them.

week 10 - geocaching

I can see how geocaching would be a different way of encouraging people to become interested in what's happening in the library. I feel it would be more accepted by younger readers who may like the concept of competition and the chance to get outside following their GPS.

Week 6 - Delicious and LibraryThing

Delicious is an online tool where I can store my bookmarks and access them from anywhere - even while I'm relaxing at home!

Library Thing - I can see that this would be useful for those wanting to share their book collections.

Week 9 - Podcasts

I've previously used Podcasting as a means of listening to radio programmes my daughter did while she was working for the 94.5 radio station. From this experience I accessed other radio stations when items of interest to me came about..

Week 8 - Online video

I chose this clip as I like Mexican food - especially making it myself as you all know my fears about other's 'cleanliness in the kitchen' habits!

Week 7 - Facebook and Twitter

I already use Facebook and find it useful for catching up with family and friends. Twitter is not for me personally but I appreciate the way the library uses it for marketing purposes eg tweets about Library and Information week.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

week 5 wikis

I find our library Wiki helpful to keep up with any news, changes in procedures etc that may happen when I'm on leave, an RDO or if I happen to miss something for whatever reason!

week 4 rss feeds

Rss feeds helped me discover this blog to use for inspiration on the days I may not want to keep going with my walking or cycling to work. After weeks of unbearably hot/humid weather I no longer have any excuses for not getting back into the habit I came to look forward to before the heat. Now I just need to resurrect my wet weather gear I've used previously to combat the rain that's supposed to be arriving soon. Note to self, do NOT use the umbrella with the metal spike on the top.......

Monday, 4 April 2011

The Blog ate my homework!!

Venetian Carnival Mask - Maschera di Carnevale - Venice Italy - Creative Commons by gnuckx

I was all prepared to fill my blog with pages and pages and got a message that it had been removed due to 'suspicious activity'!!!! Now I don't have any time left to be creative so you will have to wait for the next exciting instalment when I next get a chance to write something interesting.

Carry on staff, over and out, as you were, smoke if you have 'em!!


Wednesday, 30 March 2011

My favourite cookbook

Hello fellow bloggers! I've made my profile picture The Magnolia Bakery as I love to bake, as most of you already know. With a lot of people entering the healthy eating program offered by T.O.C I'll still be bringing in treats now and again, just cutting down on the sugar/fats etc most of the recipes from my Magnolia Bakery cookbook insist on using! As the cookbook is American I had to do some translating of some of their terms - I learnt that a 'stick' of butter is about 113.5 gr, 'all purpose flour' is the same as plain flour etc. My next treat for the workers will probably be one of my favourite muffin recipes, apple and oatmeal as these are great for a quick breakfast. Happy blogging!