Tuesday, 5 April 2011

week 5 wikis

I find our library Wiki helpful to keep up with any news, changes in procedures etc that may happen when I'm on leave, an RDO or if I happen to miss something for whatever reason!

week 4 rss feeds

Rss feeds helped me discover this blog to use for inspiration on the days I may not want to keep going with my walking or cycling to work. After weeks of unbearably hot/humid weather I no longer have any excuses for not getting back into the habit I came to look forward to before the heat. Now I just need to resurrect my wet weather gear I've used previously to combat the rain that's supposed to be arriving soon. Note to self, do NOT use the umbrella with the metal spike on the top.......

Monday, 4 April 2011

The Blog ate my homework!!

Venetian Carnival Mask - Maschera di Carnevale - Venice Italy - Creative Commons by gnuckx

I was all prepared to fill my blog with pages and pages and got a message that it had been removed due to 'suspicious activity'!!!! Now I don't have any time left to be creative so you will have to wait for the next exciting instalment when I next get a chance to write something interesting.

Carry on staff, over and out, as you were, smoke if you have 'em!!
